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Writer's pictureNellie Philius

Hurt, But Still Called

Pain the Universal Language

If you’ve lived any life at all, you know how beautiful it is. But if you’ve really lived, you also know how unpredictable and painful it can be. Pain is one of the few languages that we all speak. As we go through life, we grieve deaths, divorces, break-ups, illnesses, family dynamics, job losses, big moves, and so much more.

God never promised that we wouldn't experience pain on this Earth. However, he does promise that the suffering we experience here is nothing compared to the glory that will be revealed to us later. Romans 8:18

Transparently, I sometimes find that truth hard to accept because if experiencing pain is unavoidable, that means there will be seasons where I have to show up even when I don’t feel good.

So how do you respond when you’re called, but hurt? How do you continue to do the things you were created to do when you feel weighed down by life?

I don’t have all the answers, but I thank God that Jesus offers us a perfect example of how to navigate this life and its storms.

Jesus Speaks Pain Too

For the past few weeks, I’ve been reading the book of Matthew, and to my surprise, when I landed on chapter 14, I saw a real-life example of the delicate dance between purpose and pain.

At the start of the chapter, we learn that John the Baptist is killed, and the disciples have to share the news with his cousin, Jesus.

Now, if you aren't familiar with John the Baptist, he was a prophet who made it his mission to prepare the world for Jesus’ arrival. Before Jesus started his ministry, John the Baptist was preaching, leading people to repentance, and baptizing. He even baptized Jesus, marking the beginning of his ministry.

Unfortunately, John the Baptist’s life came to an abrupt end when he was arrested and ultimately beheaded.

Now imagine your relative, someone you grew up with, someone who baptized you, someone who believed in the power of your purpose before you were even ready to take the stage, was killed unexpectedly and violently.

I, for one, would be devastated. No actually, I would be a hot mess.

Matthew 14:13 says, “When Jesus heard what had happened [to John the Baptist], he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place.”

It honestly makes perfect sense that when Jesus heard about the loss of his cousin and forerunner, he needed to spend some time alone to grieve. I can only imagine the depth of the loss he felt. Still, Jesus had a purpose to live out.

Pain Produces Purpose

After spending a moment alone to grieve, the scripture goes on to say, “Hearing of this, the crowds followed him [Jesus] on foot from the towns. When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.Matthew 14:13-14

But he didn’t stop there. After healing people, Jesus went on to perform another miracle and fed five thousand people with just two fish and five loaves. Matthew 14:15-21

Even though his heart was hurting, it was not hardened. I believe one of the reasons Jesus was able to serve others while he was going through it, is because he understood what it was like to be wounded and broken. He could empathize with those who were burdened by life's troubles.

Jesus knew what it was like to suffer, but He didn’t allow his pain points to control him or eclipse his ultimate purpose: to save humanity.

Instead, he channeled his pain to restore others and used his gifts to change lives. Jesus’ life shows us that pain is not an excuse to put our purpose on the back burner.

Your circumstance does not cancel the calling on your life.

Press on

There is someone out there whose life is connected to you pushing through, getting up, and doing what you were uniquely graced to do. If God has allowed you to be wounded, he has also thought of a way to use it for his glory. He has already imagined a way for your pain to be repurposed into something beautiful.

So, don’t let the pain rob you of your purpose. You might even find that your biggest pain point is the very thing God designed you to help someone heal through.

We all have painful pages in our stories. But it is up to you to decide if you’re going to allow your pain to consume you or if you’ll be courageous enough to let it be the thing that launches you forward.

You may be hurting right now, but God’s hand is still on your life. The breath you just took is evidence that there is still work on this Earth that God has for you to do.

So rest, rejuvenate, regroup, reimagine, and restart. You are here for a reason, and in due season you will see that the pressing was necessary.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatian 6:9

Disclaimer: The information provided in or through this website is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, therapy, diagnosis, or treatment.



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